Plainfield School District Science Fair

Welcome to the home of the Plainfield School District Science Fair 2020!

Welcome to the site of the 2020 Plainfield School District Science Fair! On this site, you can...

  • Register to participate in the competition

  • See qualifications, rules, individual and team scoring (for medals and the traveling trophy)

  • Find the fair schedule

  • See the grading rubric

  • Learn about this FUNDRAISER for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital (below)

  • Email the PSD Science Fair with questions, comments, or concerns

  • Follow us on Twitter! More information can be found on @scifair202

The Science Fair will be on January 25, 2020, 7 AM - 12 PM hosted by Plainfield North High School. Parents, teachers, and students are welcome. See the schedule here.

Don't forget to bring your team's $12 CASH entry fee/donation to a science fair representative by January 20, 2020!

st jude children research hospital


This is a fundraiser event!!! In the spirit of science and discovery, 100% of your $12 cash entry fee to the Science Fair goes cancer research at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital!!!

In order to maximize our donations to this cause, all entry fees must be turned into a school representative by January 20th, 2020 in order to participate in the competition.

There will be a donation bucket at the fair for any additional donations anyone would like to make.

Learn more about St. Jude's cause here

What Do I Do for a Science Fair?

The answer is left open ended on purpose! Be creative, search for ideas. If you have a few general ideas in mind, just wait for the judging rubric to come out and see what will fit best! Your entry has to demonstrate a scientific principle, but the more creative the method, the better! You're welcome to invent something new or a model, and explain what scientific concepts it uses, or you're welcome to do a lab demonstrating a principle. The goal will be to construct/demonstrate a interesting scientific concept through a creative demo, model, etc. and present it through the concepts of science. As long as it connects back to science and you created the project, it's fair game!

Registration Form

This form needs to be filled out once PER TEAM. An individual may only be on one team. Please see the qualifications page for more details. This event is first come first serve. Registration closes December 20, 2019 at midnight.

If you need to edit anything on your registration form any time after submission, please email us

Entry Qualifications

  • Must be a current student at PNHS, PSHS, PEHS, or PHSCC

  • Maximum of 4 people per team, each team gets one entry

  • A team must fill out and submit the registration form by December 20, 2019 (under REGISTRATION FORM on the website).

  • Participants MUST bring the $12 entry fee, per team, to their school representative before January 20th. The money goes to awards and St. Jude Children’s Hospital

  • Each individual may only compete for one team

  • Each entry must be brought to PNHS for the competition on the day of the fair- it is each team’s responsibility to set up their area. Each team will get approximately half a lunch table of space

  • Entry must demonstrate a scientific/engineering phenomenon, principle, etc. (see Judging and Rubric)

  • Entry must be school appropriate, school rules apply

  • Entry should be prepared to present when judges are ready (see schedule)

  • REGISTER here.

Judging and Rubric