Course Description

This special education course focuses on the study of life. This is a year-long laboratory course that will examine the chemistry of life, the biosphere, populations, cell structure and function, DNA and inheritance, evolution and classification. Emphasis is placed on scientific methodology. Recurring themes include ecology, genetics and evolution. Instruction is individualized as needed. 

Grade Open To: 9-10

Course Description

This is a year-long special education class, which focuses on scientific methodology, the role of science in society, and the basic principles of chemical, physical, and earth sciences. This course will include laboratory work, and instruction is individualized as needed. Students will supply their own basic scientific calculators (Tl scientific preferred). 

Grade Open To: 10-11

Course Description

This year-long special education course is designed for students to increase their exposure to the science of chemistry. It explores modern chemical concepts such as matter atomic structure, periodic table, nuclear chemistry, chemical equations, and nomenclature through laboratory investigation and a study of the development of major theoretical topics when applicable. An emphasis is placed on conceptual developments, basic chemistry and math skills. Instruction is individualized as needed. Graphing calculator required (Tl scientific preferred.) 

Grade Open To: 10-12