Hello PNHS Senior Families,

All senior students must complete the FAFSA requirement for graduation.  The 2025-2026 FAFSA application is set to open December 1st.  Last year, the US Department of Education redesigned the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  It was released with many technical difficulties.  We are hoping the application is more streamlined this year.  The process for filing the FAFSA does begin with the student and parents will be invited by the student as a contributor. Seniors who will be attending any college are strongly recommended to complete the FAFSA application.  Check out the website over the next week to gather your materials! https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa  This way your family can be ready to apply on 12/1.  Please remember to fill out the 2025-2026 FAFSA, since this will be the student’s first year of college.   For more specific assistance, check out these step-by-step videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/FederalStudentAid 

If you are not completing the FAFSA for any reason, the Non-Participation form must be filled out.   You must do this on the Illinois Students Assistance Commission’s (ISAC) portal, starting 12/1.  We cannot accept any paper copies, as allowed in years past.  See the Financial Aid Application Non-participation Form Instructions for details on how to complete the electronic form.   https://www.isac.org/home/fafsa/NPF-Instructions.html 

Undocumented students can fill out the Alternative application for federal student aid or they can choose to do the non-participation form.  Alternative Application:  https://www.isac.org/students/before-college/financial-aid-planning/retention-of-illinois-rise-act/#Application

Again, this is a graduation requirement.  In order to receive their cap/gown, all seniors must complete one of the following: the FAFSA, alternative application, or the non-participation form.  We will be sending monthly reminders via email to all senior parents to ensure completion.

Thank you, 

The PNHS Student Services Department